If you ask a foreigner to name traditional Polish meals, they will list with no doubt: pierogi (dumplings), kielbasa (sausage) and vodka. Indeed, those are still the most well-known Polish foods. But there is obviously a lot more excellent and tasty food to know and try! Polish cuisine is varied and rich in flavors. It used to be famous for meat which dominated the menu of kitchens and restaurants, however these days healthy foods, fresh vegetables and salads are plenty too. Still very popular are potatoes, cabbage or cereals. Delicious and nutritious soups will keep you warm in winter. Mouth-watering desserts like cakes, donuts and pancakes are great for a sweet treat. And apparently Polish dishes go particularly well with vodka. If you are rather a liqueurs or mead fan, you will find a big choice of those traditional drinks too.
Polish food not only tastes great but also looks good. Bon appétit!